Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Aftermath of Winter

Lately it's beginning to look like spring has sprung. I know it hasn't, and we will still have some crappy weather before it's all done, but I'm enjoying the warm temps and sunshine while they are here. I've been doing 6 mile walks the last couple of days, carrying my backpack loaded at 22 pounds, and been feeling strong and fit, but I'm seeing the ugly aftermath of the winter season.
It's amazing how much trash and litter finds its way into the ditches and fields. Some of it is understandable...garbage cans get knocked over or papers and stuff blow out of them, then the winds move them around or maybe they get scattered when the snowplows clear the roads. But I am appalled by how much stuff is there willfully, by people who just don't have respect for the environment or for their fellow man. The number of fast food wrappers and containers as well as drink bottles just disgusts me, because most of that stuff is there because people are too lazy and/or disrespectful to give a damn. I mean, c'mon, how difficult is it to dispose of you McDonald's wrappers in a trash can? Do you really have to have it out of your car right this minute? Can't you wait until there's a proper trash receptacle handy? I can only imagine how much worse it would be if Michigan didn't have the deposit on soda and beer bottles and least there's a little bit of incentive not to throw those out, which was the reasoning behind the deposit law to begin with.
I've been seeing more wildlife, too. More birds out and about, and the small critters are more active as well. Something startled a couple of deer yesterday...I saw them cross the road a few hundred yards ahead of me and go racing across a field with their tails high, wasting no time getting back into cover. Always a joy to see.

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