Friday, April 16, 2010


Tax season is finally over! Now maybe I can get back to some serious training for my trip. Going back into the office in late March after thinking I was done for the year really threw me a curve ball, from a training standpoint. Even the days I was only working 5 or 6 hours I found it really difficult to find the time to get good workouts in. I don't know how full-time workers can make the time to train seriously for whatever endeavors they pursue. I guess you just have to make it a priority, and something else has to give.
So now it's time to catch up on yard lawn is beginning to resemble a hayfield, so I imagine I will be mowing every 2 or 3 days for the next couple of weeks until I can get the length of the grass where I want it and the clippings mulched in. Also, the typical homeowner's to-do list is always there too, so I will remain busy, but without the pressure of a deadline looming over me like April 15 was.

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