Saturday, May 29, 2010

Drat! Foiled again!

So I was just getting things finalized in my own little mind...just about to choose a date of departure, and then I got another variable thrown at me. I was approached about building a machine of my own design, and the idea is totally intruiging and I am getting excited about going forward with it, but it throws an element of uncertainty into my trip planning. I may bump my original date forward by a week or so in order to get back and start building. I'm sure after going on this trip and traveling for several weeks my bank account will be ready for the replenishment that will take place after building this machine, too!
On another score, using my trip as motivation to get some of the chores completed that need to be done before I go has been working out well. I've been making better progress, although my physical training has suffered--I don't think I've hiked in about 2 weeks, and haven't spent much time on the bike either. Life is all about compromises, right?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The excitement is returning

As time is winding down I'm finding my level of excitement is slowly ratcheting up. Unfortunately I am finding myself in the position of needing to concentrate my efforts on activities other than my physical training. There are a number of chores I need to complete before I can take off on my grand adventure, so I am trying to use my excitement as motivation for tackling the jobs I have been putting off. It sucks having to lie to oneself, but we do what we have to, right?
I did go shopping at Bass Pro Shop last week and picked up a few more things to stuff in my backpack, the most significant being a water filter. Sure don't need to drink untreated water from a stream and wind up with the dribblin' doodies! The $60 I spent on the filter could be the best money I've spent (or will spend) for this entire trip. Of course it's possible the same could be said when I plunk down money for a GPS, or for the cold weather gear I will be carrying, hoping to not have to use, etc. etc. etc.!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are friends for?

I got a call from my friend Don yesterday. He brought up something I had thought of last fall but had basically forgotten about since. He said that I should go to Michigan's Porcupine Mountains in the Upper Penninsula to do a dry run for my trip. When I visited the Lake of the Clouds last fall I thought the same thing, but really hadn't given any thought to it since. It doesn't have the elevations of the Rockies, but the hills are there and could provide a great workout and an awesome shakedown hike to expose any flaws in my thinking and preparation before I get out west. Suddenly I find myself getting excited again! This could be what I needed...thanks Don!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time and Ambition...

It seems like the two are never both present at the same time. When I have time to train, it seems the ambition is lacking, and vice versa. After tax season ended, I've been kind of busy trying to catch up an lawn work and jobs around the house, as well as fulfilling my volunteer obligations with the various organizations I am involved with. As a result I haven't been doing a lot of walking or even biking, unless you want to count mowing lawns as training. Hopefully I can turn over a new leaf soon.

I happened across a link for a satellite tracking/messsaging device on a backpacking website I frequent. Pretty cool. It's kinda expensive (for the time I would be using it) but it might be a pretty handy device to have just in case. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it! I will definately be checking into this further.