Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The excitement is returning

As time is winding down I'm finding my level of excitement is slowly ratcheting up. Unfortunately I am finding myself in the position of needing to concentrate my efforts on activities other than my physical training. There are a number of chores I need to complete before I can take off on my grand adventure, so I am trying to use my excitement as motivation for tackling the jobs I have been putting off. It sucks having to lie to oneself, but we do what we have to, right?
I did go shopping at Bass Pro Shop last week and picked up a few more things to stuff in my backpack, the most significant being a water filter. Sure don't need to drink untreated water from a stream and wind up with the dribblin' doodies! The $60 I spent on the filter could be the best money I've spent (or will spend) for this entire trip. Of course it's possible the same could be said when I plunk down money for a GPS, or for the cold weather gear I will be carrying, hoping to not have to use, etc. etc. etc.!

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