Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Morning at the Dentist...

...was not exactly in the plans for this trip.  However, that's the way it turned out today.  I've had a tooth bothering me for several days now, mostly with sensitivity to hot and cold.  Fortunately, Jo is a Dental nurse and got me in to see the Dentist she works for.  He's a really nice guy who seemed extremely competent.  It turns out that there was a pocket of infection above the tooth in the root area, so he numbed it up and used an ultrasonic cleaner to clean is out as much as he could get at it.  And he did it for a very reasonable price as well.  Hopefully between that and the antibiotic he prescribed it will calm down and not give me any further trouble while I am in Australia, but he also told me if it gives me any more problems while I am still in Bundaberg to come back in and he would see me again.  How accommodating is that?

On another front, Matt gave me a hard time yesterday that I was posting pictures of everyone else but none of myself.  He emailed me the ones he took of me at the bird aviary with one of our little friends, so here it is.  He was very partial to the string on my hat, as you can see.   G'day mates!


  1. That's good to hear. I am always delighted to read this kind of testimony. It reminds me to be grateful that our family has a dentist Grand Rapids Dentist that competent enough to take good care of our Oral health.

  2. Well, first off, your bird friend perched on your shoulder is quite awesome! In relation to your unexpected visit to the dentist, I found your post very interesting. Often, dentists resort to root canals for infected teeth and gums. It's awesome you received the service you did in Australia and alternative to a more severe medical procedure.
