Saturday, June 22, 2019

Into California

I was lazy this morning and didn't post about yesterday's travels.  We had stayed in Williams, AZ and set out fairly early (at least for us) and our first stop was Seligman, AZ.  Along the way we encountered numerous series of Burma Shave signs.  I have vague memories of seeing some of these on vacations with my parents and the signs were old then, but these have been installed new to add to the ambiance of the 66 drive in that area.  Here's an example:
After we got through Kingman, AZ we hit the oldest still drivable stretch of original 66 that we've seen so far. We wound up going through the mountains on a twisty, turny, two lane road with big dropoffs.  Many times there was a posted speed limit of 30 mph and a lot of the switchbacks had caution signs warning drivers to keep their speed down to 15 mph, sometimes even 10!  As gorgeous as the scenery was, I couldn't take my eyes off the road to enjoy it for very long.  I did pull of to take a few pics though!

Shortly past the summit we drove into the town of Oatman,AZ.  The claim to fame there is all the wild donkeys that congregate there. We didn't see anyone feeding them anything but someone must be.  It was kind of a clustered mess of souvenir shops and donkeys roaming the streets and tourists gawking at the whole scene.  Following that we just drove through the desert, where the outside temps got as high as 118 degrees!  I was paying very close attention to the gauges in the Camaro making sure I didn't overheat anything!  
I probably won't be posting much for the next couple of days.  We're staying close to Chris and Frances' home and I plan to catch up with them and their kids.  I haven't even met Jack yet and tomorrow is his party for his first birthday!  See ya soon.

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