Monday, June 17, 2019

More Taos & Ghost Ranch

Before we left Taos I washed the car and noticed there was an Artist's Collaborative gallery that was open on Sunday morning, so we decided to go check it out.  It was a really nice place with lots of mixed medias represented and a very personable artist who explained the basic concept of Sumi painting.  It's a bit deep for a shallow guy like me, but Elsie really got into it.  Afterwards we found a little local restaurant and got breakfast and our adrenaline rush for the day...there was a hell of a car crash right in downtown that wound up with one of the vehicles coming to a stop about 100 feet from us!  Pictures are included below.  The guy in the little Kia went away in an ambulance but didn't appear to be seriously hurt.  The airbag beat him up pretty well and he was bleeding from the face and arm, so I gave him a handkerchief I was carrying, but he wasn't pinned in the vehicle, which is surprising when you see the pictures.  The guy driving the truck and trailer said the Kia came into his lane and he swerved to keep it from being a head on collision.  He and all his passengers were unhurt but still pretty worked up by the experience.
After leaving there we went to Georgia O'Keeffe's Ghost Ranch.  The history of the place is pretty incredible but nowhere near as incredible as the scenery.  I shot about a zillion pics of the surrounding mountains, so I'm including a couple of them here today.  We journeyed on to Santa Fe and got a room for 2 nights so we're staying here today to check out O'Keeffe's museum as well as other galleries and get caught up on our laundry.  Not bad...10 days without doing laundry...all in the trunk of a Camaro!  Bye bye.

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