Friday, June 20, 2014

Travel day

Tonight's post will be another short one without photos...I didn't even get the camera out at all today.  I rode 2 trains, 1 plane, and 1 bus to get from Bath, England to Barcelona, Spain.  I went from mildly cool but sunny weather to hot and sunny in the space of just a few hours.  Barcelona is a really busy place.  Lots of people but so far they all seem friendly enough.

About the only exciting thing I have to report today is the food report.  Breakfast and lunch were very forgettable...take out from the grocery store and airport cafe food.  Dinner is another matter.  After checking into my hotel I grabbed a quick shower and went out to look around.  A few blocks from here I found a Tapas bar and got very adventurous!  This is the kind of place where you help yourself to hors 'd ovors...they are all pinned together with giant toothpicks, and when you're done they count the toothpicks and charge you accordingly.  I had several kinds of fish (some raw), sausage, and beef, in various combinations with cheese, vegetables, and who knows what else.  Wash it all down with 2 glasses of red wine and Tim was a happy camper!  Adios, my friends!

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