Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kickin' my butt!

The mountains that is! I hiked about 8 1/2 miles yesterday, of which 2 1/2 was fairly level and the rest was either uphill or back downhill. When you combine 1000 foot of climb with the altitudes it's definately a real workout. You feel really insignificant out there in the mountains--I know that my pics and video won't do them justice when I get back home. At the same time, I don't think I would want to live here, either, because I think it would be too easy to take these majestic mountains for granted, but they sure are nice to visit! I've resized some pics, hoping to have more success in posting them here. I saw mountain goats on Thursday and a bighorn sheep Friday, but so far no bears, moose, or elk.

1 comment:

  1. Dan says a whole lot differant then the porcupine mtns ehh. he wishes he was there.
