Sunday, September 11, 2016

More of Brisbne

Wow am I tired tonight!  According to the health app on my phone I walked 39,000 steps today, which the app says is a little over 16 miles.  The distance may be a little off, as I'm not as aggressive a walker as I used to be, but I believe I took all those steps.
I started out taking the walking/biking path along the river, then went through the botanical gardens, and crossed the Brisbane river at the Goodwill bridge.  The Maritime Museum is located there, and I spent a couple of hours exploring that really cool place.  Even though I'm no sailor, I've always been fascinated by large boats.  This place had a WWII frigate that was built to protect other ships from submarines.  It's in dry dock now and open to the public, and I spent quite a long time touring it.  There were also some pretty cool displays in the building  where the gift shop was housed.  I got a couple of ideas that might translate to our railroad museum when I get back home.
I also visited the Art Gallery and the Museum of Modern Art (2 separate museums), and there were all kinds of places where the citizens were hanging out along the way, too.  The biking/walking paths go all over the city too, and it was very cool to see how much use they were getting.  This city takes its' exercise seriously.
It's also impressive how clean this city is.  There is hardly ever any litter to be seen, and the lack of any graffiti is refreshing.  I can appreciate graffiti, but I think the artists should paint it on their own property instead of that of others.  And the architecture is awesome too.  Everywhere you look, there's a unique building with fancy detailing, and it may be right next to a one that is newer and completely modern.  Such a cool town!  Well. I can barely hold my eyes open , so I'm going to get off of here now,  G'day mates!

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