Saturday, September 17, 2016

Safely in New Zealand

I have made it to the last accommodations on my trip, and it has been exactly one month since we entered Australia.  I saw quite a bit of the country, and met a lot of people, most of them very nice.
I think today was also my payback for how fortunate I have been on my last two flights, getting exit row seating, etc.  Today I had a selfish old bitty behind me that threw a hissy fit when I tried to recline my seat that whole 3" the airlines give you.  On top of that the sound in the in-flight entertainment system wasn't working, so it made for a long 3 hour flight, but I channeled my inner Zen and kept the Ugly American from rearing his head.  Damn!  That took some doing!  But I just have to content myself with the belief that Karma will prevail and that selfish old bitch will get a good dose of her own medicine.  And hopefully my tolerance will put a bit of goodwill on my side of the ledger as well.
Anyway, my accommodations in Auckland are nice, if a bit small, and the host is a very nice lady.  I have an all-glass wall looking out over the harbor (although it is a block away, with a parking deck in between), and can see the water from my room.  All in all, a very nice arrangement.  I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do tomorrow, and the weather is rainy and cool...59 degrees with a brisk breeze blowing at the moment.  So I will sign off for tonight with the hope that tomorrow is a better day than today was.  G'day mates!

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