Thursday, September 8, 2016

Still Disappointed

Ugly American here again.  Although I'm not as angry as I was, I still don't have much that is good to say about this place.  It's 4:00 pm and my room still hasn't been serviced.  I just don't get it.  Apparently they just don't give a shit.  and I have to believe that it starts at the top, with management, or else they're just so inept that the inmates are running the asylum.  I guess that would explain the pricing structure as being the only way to stay in business, even in a monopoly situation like exists here.
To be fair, I did see something today I thought was pretty cool.  There is an aboriginal theater production twice a day (free, believe it or not!), and the technology they employ is really pretty cool.  There is a projection screen that is used for background with a small stage in front of it.  Evidently there is a clear screen at the front of the stage, although you don't see it, and they project images onto that as well, creating the appearance of a hologram.  So the actor playing the eagle hits his mark on stage while the hologram flies in, then the hologram is shut off and the actor does his moves and lines.  When they are ready to segue to the next scene, they project more holographic images on the front screen to allow the actors to move about in relative darkness as they prepare for their next scene.  It was pretty ingenious.
The breakfast buffet that is included in my room cost has a pretty decent selection of foods on it, but that service issue shows up there big time.  You almosrt have to trip somebody to get them to bring you a cup of coffee, even though there's about the same number of staff you would see in a similar sized room in the US, where they actually are bringing you your order.  One girl in particular looks so bored and apathetic it's pitiful (almost).
I did get up this morning and went out to shoot some pics of the big rocks.  They're cool, but as I said yesterday, for my money we have plenty of more spectacular sights in the US.  So unless you're in love with aboriginal culture or just have a whole lot of money to piss away, I suggest bypassing this place.   Anyway, one more night here and I will be on my way to Brisbane.  All the flights go through Cairns, and me , like a dummy, selected the wrong one.  Consequently I have a 12 hour layover, so I have a hotel room in Cairns for the night and a very early flight to Brisbane the next morning.
UPDATE: Housekeeping came at 4:15 while I was typing this.  Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!

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